Wednesday, December 11, 2013

This is Africa

We all came in search of something
Something we could see
An escape, a calling, a new life, an experience 
Whatever it may be
We came to taste the waters
To quench a hungry thirst
The undying need to see the world
Even at its worst
What we got was unexpected
And hard to grasp in hand
Our hearts were stopped and broken
But we began to breath again
We laughed, we cried, confronted a world of hurt
But in the end we've lived and been set free
Which was more than worth the work
Out worlds have become bigger 
With history, culture, and longing
But have also been made smaller
As our hearts for home begin throbbing
We are different, but this place it stays the same
It's life, it's sorry, the people it holds
Are all contained in its name
It's no longer an excuse for being late
An item lost, or a changed agenda 
We go home forever changed 

As I go home I'm extremely sad. This experience has truly been life shaping. I would not trade this place with these people for anything in the world. The memories I've made here and the people that I would have never had the opportunity to meet have blessed me so much. They will always be in my heart and these friendships and the bond we have will continue for the rest of my life. Once again.. God has decided to bring change back into my life. A change of heart a change of scenery. But I've learned that if these experiences are the types of things change brings, change will be forever welcomed. I hope I stay in a constant season of change and The Lord continues to bring me to new places and throw me from new heights.

It's time to get back in the air again. I'm leaving the ground I've fallen in love with. But gravity no longer holds me down. This place has given me the wings to be free to fly. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

7 days and FREAKING OUT.

Friends friends friends! 

Just a small (it might not end up being small but I guess we'll find out) update from me here in the big zed A !! 
 I'll actually talk about South Africa in this one ;)

So much has happened in the last month. So much to be thankful for. So much to praise my beautiful and matchless creator for and so much to look back at and look forward to. I don't know of my appearance has changed much (other than the 10 lbs I've gained from croissants. I'm pretty sure you can literally see the outlines on my love handles they've just stuck there ;) but my heart is a complete 180 degree turn. 

As I mentioned in a past post, I had the incredible opportunity to serve for a month at Walk in the Light. The ministry is right in Haniville South Africa. Our WITL (whittle) team spent the month doing manual labor for the farm manager Bruce Taylor. His ministry is self sustaining and relies on the agricultural land and the harvest it provides for the ministry to be able to transport the people of Haniville to clinic and to receive their pensions. Bruce is an incredible man of God full of wisdom and grace with the kindest, softest heart. Our team fell in love with each other and in love with this ministry. We were able to clear over 5 acres of land by hand (well.. By machete.) This is how the bulk of our time was spent. We were also able to finish a roof and help with the harvest of rose geranium which is used for essential oils for shampoos, lotions, and perfumes. The family I made at WITL is so unique and diverse. Our goodbye was heart wrenching. Bruce, phindile, and snash were the last to leave on our final dinner and the waterfall of tears that flooded our entire group provided almost as much bonding as the entire month of working. I will never forget sweating, laughing, and working with this group. We are bonded for life. I left WITL knowing that someday I will be back. I can't wait for that day. 

Leaving AE was so sad. It really had become our home and going down that road the final time felt like the beginning of the end. Travel week was a blur. The clearest moment being jumping off the highest bungee bridge in the world. In the month leading up to this moment I decided to be quite possibly the most cliche person in the world. I decided that the moment I jumped off that bridge, and I mean jump, no one was going to push me I was going to do it myself, I was going to be free. Jumping off that bridge was the most real way for me to set myself free. To set myself free from the last 20 years of my life of expectations from others, guilt, and the weight of my world. I had been begging The Lord to take these things from me, trying to learn how to surrender, how to give it up, and how to feel alive again. I decided to take the reigns and jump. And I did. I'm free. I've been set free. And my world is forever changed because of that moment. I feel like I'm going to watch the video of me jumping off and always remember what it felt like to set myself free, with no help except from The Lord himself. 

After that, life has been full of surprises. My time in Cape Town has been so full. I've gone shark cage diving, I've been hiking, I've gotten up before sunrise, swam in a lightning storm, seen a comedy show, been welcomed into a family for homestays, spent way too much money, celebrated my 21st birthday, and eaten a whole lot of good food. I'm full of friendship and full of fun. I've been filled, I've been reconciled, I've been free, I've been home. I love this place. If you asked me if I want to come home I would say no. Do I want to see all my loved ones at home? Of course! I miss them all terribly. But do I want to leave this place? 100% no. I've never fallen in love with a country as much as I have with South Africa. I'm forever free and forever changed by the story and the people in this country. 

Now that the sentimental part is over, just a few housekeeping items. My computer is dead... I got a bucket of water dumped on me at walk in the light and it's been out of commission since. I've only just realized that I can write posts on my phone. Huzzah!!!! I almost lost my phone to water damage as well when I decided it would be a good idea to bring it on a run in a terrential downpour.. Thank goodness for rice! Sorry that I'm clumsy and dumb.. 

Anyway that's my update I'm sorry I've been out of touch. It's been crazy here. 

Love you all!