Wednesday, December 31, 2014

The Real MVPs

There are t-minus two days until yet another year pushes The Backstreet Boys (the cassette tape), the perfect AIM profile, tamagotchi pets, that awful noise dial-up internet makes and MTV music videos farther into irrelevancy (Also did anyone ever find where in the world Carmen Sandiego was?) 2015 is upon us. Life is passing right in front of me. I'm doing my best to catch up with it, but it still seems to be running away. The good news is that it's carrying some of the greatest people I've ever known with it and with me. At the twilight of this 2014th year and the dawn of 2015 I wanted to take a moment to give the biggest shoutout and my heartfelt gratefulness to the 2014 Real MVPs.

The Parentals: Now don't get greedy, both of you have pretty much been mentioned in every blog I have posted, so I'll try to keep this short and sweet. You pay my tuition. There it is. Short and sweet. To the point. Throwin' it out there. I DO NOT take this for granted. You both have done such an incredible job of thinking about my future and the future of my siblings even when we could not even speak the words. You've personally invested your blood, sweat, tears, and un-purchased shoes (*cough* Mom) into making sure that someday you can completely cut us off and disappear on one of your vacations and we will still be okay left behind. With graduation coming upon me in the next year (fingers crossed) I look back at the last four years that you've funded and I hope you consider it a good investment. I have grown in so many more ways than my education. Many people's college years are an expensive way to ruin their lives. Those years are squandered away for the sake of "experience." Mine's been different. I've traveled, experienced a world I never new existed and I've learned life lessons and class lessons that have made me more passionate about the things that matter most. So Thank You.

The Sibs: I am reminded every time I come home how lame I am. I think it also proves that our family is just a little off its rocker. I would much rather spend time with my siblings than anyone else. I love those guys. Our relationships have evolved over the years but I really think that this time of life is turning out to be my favorite. We have adult conversations yet we play games and laugh like children. We realize that love is unconditional yet making the choice to love each other is not near as difficult because no one is locking me in the closet, or forcing me to zip-line head first straight into a tree. This year, I want to give a specific and special shoutout to my sister Lindsay. 2014 has been a special year for me because I have embraced my sister (yes she's in-law but she looks more like us anyway.) I LOVE this woman. She's strong, increasingly beautiful, with a heart of absolute gold. I've learned so much from her intentionality with me and also from her life experiences. She asks questions and seeks answers. She loves Jesus and you can see it in her everyday life that she is continually falling in love with Him. So Thank You.

Nicholas Michael Andres McClellan: I was going to put "The Boyf"or "The Mexican" but I realized that you really do deserve the full name. Oh Mr. McClellan, 2014 was our year. I have no idea how you dealt with me, but somehow we fell in love this year. You sir, are an everyday reminder that I am absolutely worth the beautiful things in life. I am worth pursuit because you pursued me the way that Jesus has chased after me even when I pushed you away. You are my best friend when I need you to be, you are my joker when I need to laugh, my arms when I need to cry, an insulated wall when I need to use language that shouldn't be uttered in public, and a mirror that echoes "you're beautiful" each time I look into it. I cannot thank you enough for the lessons that being in a relationship with you has taught me. Thank you for supporting my dreams, loving my independence, and letting me need you. So Thank You.

 The Guys: Nick, I also would like to thank you for having the greatest examples of men (and God-honoring diversity) as friends. Micah Kwok, Steven Schmidt, and Alexander Tutungi, you are all different but you are all reasons that the world will probably be okay. You've supported me and welcomed me into each of your lives in a different way and I am grateful that I'm not just a tag on to Nick but instead I feel valued and appreciated for who I am. I thank God for you all every single day and I love you. So Thank You.

My South Africa's: 2014 was interesting because at its commencement I had to try and figure out what America was again. I could not have done this without my roommates and my forever friends Jordan Salviati, Courtney Levitt, Marlee Richardson, and Blakely Christiansen. You guys put up with a lot in Spring of 2014. I was never around and when I was, I was singing solfege in the house or playing endless scales on the piano. But you guys loved me. You made pasta for me (Jord) and forced me to put down my work and watch and appreciate the world. The water was so blue with you guys. I miss South Africa daily, but you guys are my reminders that the world is bigger than music and bigger than the chains I sometimes put myself in. You remind me that I am free. So Thank You.

The Babe Cave: This house has been a ginormous blessing this year. Yes, I'm thankful for the house, but more importantly I am so blessed by the people in it. I could not even begin to lump anyone in this house into a group so I am just going to call them out.
Bethany "Bany" "Bjeps" Jepsen: You used some great analogy to describe our friendship but I don't remember what it was, so I'll use sports. You've been my 4th quarter friend, my 9th inning stretch. We weren't immediately drawn to each other, but somehow we smashed into each other and I'm so thankful that I found a best friend.
Sarah Nolan: I remember very clearly wanting so badly to be friends with you. Now that we live together you're pretty much forced to be my friend but I'm super excited about it. You radiate life and your experiences and views about love, life, and the Lord have been a blessing to me.
Lydia Sewell: My Lyds, my love. We also sort of got smashed together sophomore year but let me tell you, that smash has bowled me over with blessings. You've told me things about myself that I have never forgotten and shared your life with me even when I was a terrible friend. Living with you again is a joy and a pleasure.
Kelsey Kepple: I have just gotten to know Kelsey this semester, but she is incredible. First of all, she is talented. I saw her perform in her senior recital and never realized so much passion and fire could come out of that tiny body. Second, she is FUN. The times that we have spent as roommates have been infused with her laughter, and her coffee is always brewing.
Rae "Baechel" Burgess: Rae thank you for never being afraid of a deep conversation. Thank you for never saying you're okay when you're not. You have shown me that it's okay to hurt and it's okay to have questions.
Gabrielle Carbajal: Thank you for your grace and poise. I'm pretty certain you are a perfect human. You have enough questions and have been through trials to make you real and not plastic but you have come out brighter and more radiant. Thank you for the peace that your bring to the house and the smiles and giggles that echo God's presence in my life.

So Thank You.

Izzi "how many z's" Ezra: You're kinda the reason I'm even making this list, because you did it last year and I don't have any original ideas. I mean, I wasn't on yours last year but I guess I forgive you for that. I have been absolutely surprised in the best way with you. You've been my friend-crush for probably a year now (you and Sarah) and this year we finally admitted that we make perfect friends. Thank you for being Intentional Af and being so supportive of me. You're a beautiful person and the realist Izzi Ez.

The Boo Thangs: Dana, Deb and Raquel. Thank you for our group text message. As funny as that sounds, I really appreciate that there is a place that I can say anything I want and you guys will laugh. Each one of you is a constant reminder that I have "people." You guys are my people. Dana, thank you for sticking with me always. And reassuring me that nothing is ever going to come between us. Deborah, thank you for believing in love and pursuing it. Thank you for sharing your life with me. Raquel, thank you for calling me just to talk. Thank you for being the spice I need in my life. So Thank You.

C4li=36 And Counting... I Think I'm Funny: Thanks for being stoopid. Thanks for hating me. But for real Cali, I am indebted to you for your loyalty, your honesty, and your pursuit of me. Thank you for moving to LA so that you can come to my concerts, meet my friends, and be a part of my life. Thank you for being bold and confident in yourself. You are beautiful and you are worth so much more than what you've been given at times. We've been best friends since age 4 and I don't really foresee that changing ever so, Thank You.

Shlexican BFF: Ashley thank you for being my soul sister. This year has been another testament to me that no matter the distance, the heart is warm. You know me and have a line to my heart that is direct and hot. I cannot wait for the next year of our lives and for the many conversations about dreams, natural disasters and public transportation that we will no doubt have. Wherever you are, my heart is there with you. So Thank You.

Maddy-Poo: This year I've realized how much I need you in my life. You're someone I can be cynical with and laugh about it. Deep down though, you're a lover and a romantic. I just know it. Thank you for making me laugh this year and accepting me for me. So Thank You.

Michelle Jensen and the Chamber Singers: My home away from home. My family away from family. Thank you for trusting me this year with your tour. Thank you for being excellent so that we can compete. Thank you for showing me that music is absolutely necessary. Thank you for making INCREDIBLE sounds come out of your mouth in sync so that I can bask in the craft that I am studying. Thank you for looking fabulous and being professional. Making music with you all has given me life and comfort. I have no idea how I am going to function outside of this group.   Thank you for letting me be a part of something so beautiful. So Thank You.

I set out to write this not knowing how many people would actually be on it. There are so many more that I can put on here, people that have made me laugh, some that have made me cry, but all have made me better and have made me, me. Thank you 2014 for being a year of love, life, laughter, and experience. Here's to 2015. I'm sure it'll be okay. ;)

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