Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Let the Madness Begin.


For any of you that know me or have travelled with me, you know that packing is the biggest four-letter word I have in my vocabulary. I HATE packing. It sucks. It sucks because I am horrible at it. I usually only like to do things I know that at some point I can succeed at, and packing is not one of these things. I've tried making lists. I've tried having others make lists. I've tried closing my eyes opening a drawer, and hoping I have clean underwear somewhere in the suitcase. Nothing works for me. I forget the most practical things. I overpack. If you talked to my mom she would tell you that packing is quite the ordeal with me. There's weeping, yelling, throwing, gnashing of teeth. If you want to see the ugliest side of me, ask me to pack for a week long vacation. If you want worse, ask me to pack for a weekend. The shorter the time frame, the less I can justify that extra man-sweater or pair of jeans. I've had my fair fight with packing over the years and I'd like to think I've gotten better. I got through Europe for a month.. twice. Not to mention the second time I had to pack for two completely different climates. I've perfected the yearly mexico trip, and let's be real, when I pack for college I just pretty much throw all I can into Sirena (my little blue Chevy named after Homer's Sirens in the Odyssey. She lures people in with her color changing abilities). But this, this is a whole new ball game. 4 months. This isn't California. I don't have a two door car with a trunk. I have a 50 pound suitcase. I'm now breaking out into hives, pimples, and I'm perspiring. 

So I started packing today. And it went as well as to be expected. I mean, I only cried 3 times. Little victories yeah? Phase 1 is in effect: Go through my closet and take out anything I MIGHT want to take. Phase 2 will happen in the next couple of days: Go through these piles and turn these mountains into mole hills. Consolidate! Phase 3 is everything else. I go through every drawer every nook of my room and possibly my house trying to think of ANYTHING I might need in my time away. Then, and only then, comes the task of fitting everything in luggage. This time has actually been less stressful. Over the last two weeks in my packing for the move I have gotten rid of over half of my closet. I'm so proud. I also don't feel as bad about getting rid of things that I only spent $2 on (thank God for Goodwill am I right?) There are basically three piles it could go on South Africa, Mexico, or Milton house. If I don't need it for any of these, its garage sale or dump!

For those of you that have REALLY gotten to know me, you this anxiety packing has one source: my things. This sounds simple but it really isn't. I have to have my things. All of them. With me. Or I will freak out. It's a little (okay a lot) obsessive compulsive. But it's important! In order for a place to feel like home, I have to have my things. Even the dumb little things. I have to know that they are with me and safe! Someday I'll be in therapy for these things I swear. Until then, I get to have my heart rate go through the roof every time I pull out a suitcase. 

Anyway, I'm hoping that the next couple of days won't drive me to insanity (I'm already doing that and I don't need any more than exercise insanity). I know I'm going to overpack but I'm just fully prepared to accept it. Hopefully everyone else is too. 

Stay tuned for a serious post in the near future. No doubt I'll have some thoughts about saying goodbye but for now, that's my rant on packing. 


  1. You need to give yourself a break and forget a few things, so you can have the experience of shopping for them in Africa! :) This packing phase too shall pass...

  2. Can I just say "Kendy, you rock!" You've accomplished (with flying colors) what I thought you would never be capable of doing, given your past history! You packed 4 months of stuff into 1 medium and 1 carry on size suite case!(Unfortunately, leaving no room for yo mama!) I'm telling ya, if you know Kendy like I do, you just can't make this stuff up! A woman who has to have several "options" when she travels, taking with her, thee largest suitcase in the loft, along with several other sorted bags containing those "options" has managed to pack as efficiently as Kim Haan can plan a wedding! (Kudos to you too Kim! You are my hero when it comes to (among many other things) being efficient!)And did I mention, she also sorted through and boxed up her entire room, with 20 years of her "things" neatly packed into bins and boxes(each one labeled appropriately)in preparation for her family's big dig out and move to Bellingham. Bless you, my sweet baby girl! I promise you the sheets will be crisp and clean in your new room when you come home to your new home in December.
