Saturday, September 7, 2013

Am I a Blogger Yet?

Sanibonani from Africa!

Well, welcome to you all! I feel sort of bad because this is what.. my 4th post on this blog? And this is the first one that will serve the purpose of an update. Not because the other stuff I have had to say hasn't been extremely riveting and of utmost importance, but I guess I have cut to the chase. 

So. It's been an extremely long three days. The only word that comes to mind is whirlwind. That's what this has been. Frick me. The amount of information, visual, aural, sensual, tastical ;) that I have been given in the last days has been out of this world. The travel time to this beautiful place was simultaneously the best and the worst travel experience I have had so far. After a week in Azusa staying up late, singing way too much, and not taking care of my body, I left Tuesday night sicker than a dog. I got on that plane and for the next 36 hours I was coughing, sneezing, and crying (due to the pressure in my ears during the 5 different take offs and landings that we did) That sounds pretty bad, but I guess the best part was that it helped me sleep literally almost the entire time. I watched two movies and the rest of the time I slept on and off. As far as meeting people, it's been a bit of a struggle. I swear people here think I'm a space cadet because when I WASN'T sleeping, I was staring off into the distance, usually someone else was in that distance somewhere which probably caused a lot of questions. Why is this creepy blonde girl staring at me? And why does she look so angry?

But I made it! I'm in Africa. It feels so weird but so amazing to finally be here. I've been dreaming about this experience literally for 3 years and study abroad for much longer. We arrived in Johannesburg (the locals call it Jo-burg) in the evening. We've all noticed that the days are much shorter in this hemisphere. It's spring right now so I'm guessing they'll get longer? We had a short drive to our hotel for the night. All of us passed out after a chicken dinner. The next day we awoke to a tour of Soweto (getting its name from SOuth WEstern TOwnship). This is where a lot of the uprisings leading to the abolition of the apartheid government took place. This place is unique to any place I've ever been. I've seen contrast in cities before but not like this. On one side of the street there would be million dollar homes with huge rock walls and security systems. Cross the street and you have shacks with roofs held down by toilets. We ate lunch at a cute little buffet on a side street. After the meal the bus pulls away from the door and these guys show up! 

We got an awesome traditional African dance performance! After leaving Soweto we headed back to the airport for our flight to Durban. Upon arrival we were ushered into another van for an hour and 15 min drive to our home on the African Enterprise in Pietermaritzburg. We had a late dinner and got settled in to our new rooms. I have the pleasure of living with Laura Tice. The cutest nursing major you will ever meet. She likes Tangled, thinks Sleeping Beauty is lame, and we both agree Snow White needs a new haircut and a less annoying voice. I think we will be fine on all other issues. I got my room set up and made into a home :) Here's my side of the room!
It feels like home :) 

After last night we had a full day of orientation today, including tea time. We got to hear about all the amazing things we get to do and see this semester. I don't wanna spoil any of the fun so I'll just wait and update as we go. It'll be more fun that way anyway. Then we got our books.. Literally the worst. I totally forgot that we actually had to study here. Our semester is squished into 6 weeks making it VERY intense. If you're on Instagram you saw my HUGE stack of books that I'll be reading this semester. LOVE YOU APU. I guess it makes it slightly better that I can read these books in a tree, or next to this.
Yeah thats real. 

We had our first trip to the Liberty Mall to get supplies and our first exploration of the nature reserve. Our first zebra sighting. We discovered Rugby. I decided that I am okay with Rugby. There are a bunch of attractive, very fit, young men running around and they DON'T have pads or helmets to cover up their beauty. I'm a fan. Go Sharks?

I'm having an amazing time here so far. God is so good to me. Today Reg said that his country and this continent has the tendency to pull at people's heart strings and to change them forever. I know this is already happening so I can't imagine what I'm going to be like at the end of this. Today my reminder came from Jesus Calling. Today's devotion reminded me that the Lord delights in me. He delights in who I am and nothing especially not guilt can condemn me for I am clothed in him. I know I need to start to shed myself including my guilt in order for people to see the real me. I cannot punish myself for my past. I can only revel in the present and hope for the future. 

Sharp Sharp!



  1. Glad to hear you made it safe & sound. What a beautiful place to study and worship. Love you, Aunt Robin
